Monday, October 07, 2013

Cinderella zombie and the flying shark god mother

zombie Cinderella
Cinderella was a little girl with a dad who was eaten by zombies and her evil sisters and step monster was also a zombie and they both made Cinderella do all of the house chores. Cinderella was checking the mail and a dwarf gave her a special letter to the ball at the palace and that night she did and she had no clothes to wear, so she cried. A flying shark godmother came in her sight and she gave her a dress and two glass slippers to wear and she had to be back by midnight or she would be turned into a zombie. so she went to the dance and danced with the king and she saw the clock struck midnight and she ran and she turned into a zombie when he did not see and she dropped her foot on the third step. the king lifted it up and ran to her and Cinderella was happy to actually get to see him and dance with him, but she went to her room and her step monster opened the door to the king standing right there with the foot that turned into a glass slipper. and she called her daughters and there feet were too big to fit the small slipper and he turned them all into mice and left with Cinderella and they both turned into zombies and lived happily ever after.