Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snow Day

My snow day we got 5 inches of snow. I went to my friend Taylor's to go sledding and it was really fun. Me and Taylor watched Christmas movies and drunk hot chocolate when we got inside from playing in the snow. After i went home I went sledding again with my friend Jeanne. We had a lot of fun. The day that we had a half day I went over to Jeanne's and my dad took us to the mall, and we had hot chocolate in a coffee cup at the mall because the lady was all out of hot chocolate cups. I had a lot of fun with my  friends on my snow days. I wish we would have been out Monday, but Festus never gets called off unless it is a blizzard. When we figured out we were getting out early my friends and I were so happy and excited.

Snow Day Hopes… | Look at my happy rainbow