Tuesday, November 27, 2012


For my first Thanksgiving as host, I bought the biggest turkey they had in the store. When everyone arrived we decided we would cook the turkey. We put the turkey in to cook, and set the timer. We were all starving and wondering what was taking the turkey so long to cook. Turns out that someone set the timer way longer than it needed to be set! Our turkey was burnt! What were we going to do? The day was half over and we had no turkey! We didn't have time to cook another one, so I was looking through the fridge to see what other food we had. The only thing that I could find that would feed everybody was hamburgers. We put the hamburgers on the grill to cook, and waited for them to be ready. As the burgers were cooking, The grill burst into flames and burnt all the hamburgers. Everyone was starving and I didn't know what to do. We all decided to just eat the burnt burgers instead of being hungry. That's why we all hate hamburgers.

Help Prevent Grill Flare Ups By Degreasing the Grill Grates